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The Alabama Local Government Training Institute, in accordance with Act 94-598, provides training for Alabama county commissioners, enabling commissioners to complete the 50-hour course as mandated by the State within two years of each commissioners’ initial election date.

Program Purpose

  • Develop and maintain high standards of public service among county commissioners;
  • Increase knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of county commissioners;
  • Provide an information base for more informed policy making; and
  • Improve the overall administration and delivery of county services.


The following are required courses included in the 50-hours:

Course 1: “County Government and the Commissioner” provides information on the immediate needs and requirements of the newly elected county commissioner. It deals with such issues as the roles and responsibilities of the Commissioner, statutory requirements of the Commission and the Commissioner, the structure of county government, legal liability, roles of county constitutional officers, and resources available to the county commission.

Course 2: “Ethical and Legal Issues” acquaints the county commissioner with the significant ethical and legal requirements affecting the Commissioner. It reviews issues such as the open meeting requirements, conflict of interest, the ethics law and standards of ethical conduct, freedom of information requirements, etc.

Course 3: “Financial Administration” provides an understanding of both the revenue source and expenditure obligations and processes that affect county government in Alabama. In addition, it gives an overview of the budgetary process and discusses the maintenance of budgetary expenditures and the role of the examiners in ensuring a sound financial system in the county.

Course 4: “Roads and Bridges” focuses on the issue of public works (roads, bridges, etc.), and current policies, practices, and ideas relevant to public works are examined. This course highlights the role of the commissioner in assuring a safe and effective bridge system and road network in the county.

Course 5: Elective – Typical offerings include: Personnel Administration in the County, Economic Development and Community Leadership, Community Relations and the Media, and Critical Laws and Statutes Affecting the County Commission.


For additional information, please contact:

Government & Economic Development Institute | Auburn University

Phone 334-844-4782