AAND is an affiliate of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama
First: The name of the Association shall be the Alabama Association of 9-1-1 Districts (Association), an affiliate of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA). Membership in the Association will include any Emergency Communication District in the State of Alabama.
Second: The members of the Association shall be the Emergency Communication Districts, which shall be represented in all matters by a designated voting member. Such voting members of the Association shall be the 9-1-1 Director/Administrator, or other person designated by the governing body of the member District. Other membership in the Association is outlined in these by-laws.
Third: The purpose of the Association is to promote the development, availability, implementation, advancement and enhancement of a universal emergency telephone number common to all jurisdictions in the State of Alabama; to represent its members before communications regulatory agencies and appropriate policy making and legislative bodies; to have the ability to create a statewide database and network that member districts may voluntarily participate in; and to foster 9-1-1 systems that contribute to the protection of human life, the preservation of property and the maintenance of general community security.
Fourth: The activities of the Association shall be governed by its Officers and Board of Directors. The officers of the board shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Directors shall consist of a director within each of the 8 association regions and each Past President of the Association who are voting members. Any Past-President of the Association wishing to resign from the Board of Directors shall be allowed to do so and, thereafter, will not be considered when determining a quorum for the conduct of Board business. The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of all officers and the Immediate Past President. Only voting members shall be eligible to hold the positions outlined above, except as otherwise provided. The Association Regions will be established by the officers and Board of Directors
Fifth: All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Member Districts at the annual meeting and shall hold office until the next annual meeting or until their successor is elected. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association and shall ensure that the business of the Association is carried out by the Officers and Board of Directors as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall assume all duties of the President should he or she be unable to complete his or her term of office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare and present minutes of all membership and Board of Directors meetings. He or she shall also present an annual financial report, prepared by the ACCA, to the Association’s Board of Directors during the annual conference. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also monitor the conduct of the District meetings required in Section 9 and report the results of such meetings during the Association’s annual conference. The members of the Board are also elected at the annual convention by a vote of the districts within each of the 8 Association regions.
Sixth: All vacancies, except the office of President, occurring between the regular annual meetings shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee.
Seventh: A Quorum must be present to transact any business. A majority of members shall constitute a Quorum.
Eighth: The annual membership fee, as determined by a vote of the membership, shall be due on October 1 of each year and paid to the ACCA. Payment of the fee will entitle the member district to one vote. Should any fees remain unpaid on the following January 1st, the ACCA shall send a notice, and any member who has not paid this fee by April 1st shall be dropped from the official roll. The member may be reinstated on payment of all fees in arrears.
Ninth: There shall be an annual meeting of this Association held during the ACCA Annual Convention. Other meetings may be called as needed by the Executive Committee. There shall also be held in each District at least one District meeting per year for the purpose of considering matters important to the Association and to the best interest of emergency communication. Any District Director who fails to conduct the District meeting shall report the reasons for the failure to hold such meeting during the annual business session.
Tenth: This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership at any meeting of the membership provided that ten days notice of each proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member of the Association.
Eleventh: There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of three members appointed by the Executive Committee with one member being a member of the Board of Directors and designated as committee Chairman. The committee shall propose the slate of officers, receive nominations and award the 9-1-1 Director of the Year Award (if applicable), and carry out other duties as assigned by the President. The President shall also appoint an Annual Conference Planning Committee to be chaired by the Vice-President. The three officers and the Past Presidents who agree to serve shall also compose the Association’s Legislative Committee, which shall represent the Association before state legislative committees and shall meet to propose legislation for consideration by the ACCA. The President may appoint additional members having specific knowledge or expertise to the legislative committee, if he/she believes it is in the best interest of the Association. The immediate past President shall serve as Chairman of the Legislative Committee.
Twelfth: There shall be Associate membership in this Association as determined by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The fees for such Associate membership shall be determined by the Board and shall be paid annually but shall not authorize such Associate member to vote on any matters coming before the membership. The procedure for collecting fees for associate members shall be the same as provided in Section 8.
Thirteenth: The Association shall develop procedures for the election of any of its members to serve on, be appointed to or otherwise represent the interests of its members on boards, commissions or study committees established by Alabama law, executive order or otherwise.
Amended July 8, 2014